what we do

Our suite of services will get your business, product or campaign off to a flying start and continue to soar. We’re happy to step in to help with one or several of our services.

Organisation & Review
Systems & Processes
Project Management
Marketing & Campaign Management
Partnerships Management
Design, Web & Print

What people really want to know is ‘Will it work?’

Every new business, diversification or project has a starting point. It is also true that not all successful businesses asked themselves the same question when they set out. They choose to adopt the “It will work mentality” instead.

Having stood alongside both I can say without doubt that feasibility studies are not essential, but they can save you incredible amount of time. 

They allow you to:

  • Focus on the proposed project and what measures of success look like.
  • Identify the real opportunities and create focus
  • Save time, money and resources.
  • Add value to funding pitches
  • Remove emotional sentiment and red herrings!

As a rural community, we stand on the precipice of some of the biggest changes in the rural and agricultural sectors for 40 years. As ELMS, SFI and Countryside Stewardship are adopted across the country there is no doubt that gaps will appear in the income line.

We generally aim to complete longwinded costly studies but conduct a series of discussions and visits that creates a path forward and where appropriate introductions to assist in the next stages of your project. You can begin this by contacting us for an informal discussion.

You simply cannot change what you don’t acknowledge.

Sometimes we hit a stage where we just cannot simply see the wood for the trees and days can be spent not knowing what to focus on first.

What is your destination this week, next month, this year, next year and in 5 years.

You cannot get there if you only ever gaze into the future.

You can get there if you can accurately break it down into what you CAN realistically achieve one day at a time. 

Then if you need a steam roller, to tell you everything you might not want to hear, empty your business out on the table and organise it so you can get to that list that you need to focus on, we might be for you.

Never over complicating it, just getting down to business.

You know, there might be a simpler way to get things done.

Digital, technology, apps, online – all touting one step quick solutions to sorting your sh*t out. 

The answer is often a combination of everything, it is not necessarily an expensive solution either. Usually, it is a simple lack of knowledge or understanding of how or where to start. 

This service is usually taken following Organisation & Review but can be taken on its own too. We love creating the rule book, we can hold you accountable to it or let you loose as you see fit.

Remembering that our focus is business. We are a rural and agricultural consultancy and call upon specialists as appropriate, even we cannot profess to be a jack of all trades. We can save you a lot of time,  money and resources though by  engaging the right people at the right time, without everyone ending up down a rabbit hole.

Events, project launches, comms or partnerships, take your pick.

  • We can project manage your business, product launch or event
  • We can project manage your marketing or communications plan
  • We can project manage your partnership strategy

But be prepared. You can only begin to imagine how organised the project might need to be for us to land at this stage as a starter for ten.

Feasibility, organisation, systems and processes need to be in full force by this point and will often require a longer term retained contract of which we are limited to in number.

Our longstanding reputation in the delivery of project management makes it  our standout service and is always delivered to the highest standard. 

End to end marketing without the faff.

All that means is that we can re-brand- rethink – create or manage campaigns or full business plans.

Alongside a solid marketing strategy our marketing services are agile, light and always lined up to what the output needs to be. 

As one example we could undertake a campaign to promote a topic, product, project or business.

  • Create the campaign branding
  • Create relevant graphics, website, landing pages
  • Manage campaign related social media posts
  • Create a video, print and expo material

Communications for internal projects or PR for smaller businesses.

Less about being a traditional PR, more about lower-level communications for internal projects or basic level PR for smaller businesses.

We have had experience at both ends of the market and as a result can help inject some communications into your strategy at an affordable level or help turn the heat up on larger scale national campaigns. 

We know how awesome rural and agricultural businesses are and sometime how hopeless some of you are at banging your own drum .

We can also help with communications across medium sized businesses that need to engage with their staff, change direction or embrace a new product or approach.

Building benefical links with suitable businesses

Working with other businesses, organisations or institutions can only ever make us stronger. Identifying partners for mutually beneficial results, funding bids or to identify new clients is one of our most used services.

Ensuring those partnerships align with your business, are managed effectively and ultimately maintained can add huge weight to your bottom line. 

Highly experienced at delivering high and lower level partnerships across the UK and Europe – believe it or not big names like Amazon UK, 02 Telephonica, Countryfile, Countryfile Live through to Kelloggs, Nestle, Marks and Spencer, Agricology, The Soil Association and Agricultural Societies, Young Farmers and Agri Universities our network is somewhat larger than you might expect. 

If Partnerships has been identified as something you wish you explore then you can book in for a chat – see if our contact book matches your expectations. PS Partnerships could also be code for identify the biggest client you could think of and shimmy across to being introduced, like networking but far more practical as far as we are concerned.

Designs that fit your branding and clearly communicate your message

Our no-nonsense approach gives you access to the world of graphic design, letting you get your hands on fantastic physical marketing collateral and virtual shop windows for your business. Our straight forward rates let you know up front what you need to invest to get unique, eye-catching designs that represent your brand in every medium.

Whether it’s branding, websites, exhibition stands, magazines or leaflets, we have the expertise to interpret your brief into a striking design for your marketing collateral.